Monday, July 28, 2014

Transferring to the Playpen!

Here is Monday once again! Comin at ya live from the beautiful tropical island of Jamaica! So this week was very eventful as I said it would be last week! I am getting transferred this week which means I will be leaving Kingston. It's bittersweet to leave but I am excited for the change of scenery. I will be getting out of the concrete area and heading to the 'bush' or 'country' as they say here in Jamaica. My companion is going to be Elder Davidson. I've never met him before but he has been out for 3 months so I will be mothering him. For those who don't know, to mother someone means to be their 2nd companion. Elder England, my MTC companion trained him (That makes Elder England his father BTW). There are big family trees that are made with missionary companionships. There are fathers and mothers and sons and grandparents, your birthplace is considered your first area, your last area is where they say you sounds weird and complicated but it's a mission thing I guess. I am going to be district leader out there too. My district will be a lot more manageable with only 8 missionaries now instead of 12 like I have had. Elder Stewart, the one I served with for a transfer here in Kingston is going to be my zone leader too, that means super epic productive trade-offs! :) Also transfers got changed from Wednesday this week to Friday because the new missionaries coming out don't have their visas yet, so I won't be heading out there until Friday. Elder Jackson is getting Elder Gordan, a Jamaican missionary that he is excited for. Elder Jackson BTW has lost 60 lbs. since being here. He lost 50 pounds his first 3 months so if anyone wants to lose some weight really quick come join me out here! I've also been noticing that in all of his prayers the past couple of days, even during class in church, he has been praying for "cooler temperatures and more clouds." I think poor little soul, this is only the beginning.

Tuesday we went to Hellshire beach near Portmore. I was asked to baptize K., Sis D’' grandson. One of her grandsons was telling you guys jokes when I was skyping you, well K. is the other one. We a took a quick trip to the ocean, it was beautiful. They call this area the turquoise water, I know why now!!! I have now been in the ocean in Cayman and Jamaica. 

On Wednesday we had zone meeting. That was pretty good. After that I went on a trade off with Elder Martin to the office on Wednesday and Thursday. Let me tell you.. I do not envy office elders at all, they just run everyone’s errands. Our mission just traded in and got a whole bunch of new mission vehicles so we spent a lot of time organizing all of the new paperwork and updated the computer and sending the information to the area office, etc. Kinda boring, but I was in the AC at the mission office, AC is a rare phenomenon here so I'll take it when I can get it. We also just spent a lot of time sitting in traffic in Kingston going to pick stuff up and drop stuff off at different places around town. We also had to go pick up President Brown’s vehicle from the shop and take it to his house. I got to drive it around Kingston for a couple hours following behind Elder Martin cuz we had to go to some appointments first. I felt pretty cool with the windows down and the sunroof open. I did a baptism interview for the office elders and for the Downtown elders while I was there. 

S. got baptized this week! Yes I realized that I spelled his name differently today, well that's because I have been spelling it wrong the past couple weeks and I just found that out. Elder Jackson baptized him. It was a good service. I hope the ward steps up and helps out with his retention.

So I am glad to hear that everyone had a good 24th of July week. I am glad to hear Devin had a good time at the temple too! Have a great week! One Love.

Elder Colton Harris
Oh by the way...and sorry to leave this until the end ;), but my new area is Maypen. I've been there twice before, just for a little bit of time each time. I am excited.  I've heard that it is the strongest branch in the Mandeville District. One year ago President Brown said to the then Maypen missionaries that in order for the Mandeville District to turn into a stake the Maypen branch has to split into 2. He challenged them to build real growth so that it can get split, I am pretty sure that everything he said last year is still in place. I am excited, but it is weird to think that there is about a 50% chance this could be my last area, wow that is weird to think about. Next week I'll be in the PlayPen!!! <---(nickname)

Pic1- Turquoise water!
Pic 2- Downtown/ New Kingston in the background
Pic 3-K. and I walking in. We had to go where there was seaweed because there were too many people at the nice area of the beach.
Pic 4 - Jerk Chicken on the D.'s roof


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