We walked with A. to church yesterday. She has kind of been
at a standstill lately. She has been a progressing investigator for so long
that she is kind of not even progressing anymore, kind of just plateaued. She
basically keeps all of her commitments except to work seriously towards either
marrying her baby father of separating from him. It's hard to drop her since
she is keeping so many commitments and coming to church regularly, that's
better than a lot of investigators do, but it is also hard to keep her since
she has been taught for so long and is at a standstill. Co. is basically in the
same predicament too. We fasted with A. this weekend so hopefully as we follow
up with her on that we can come to some conclusion. We also walked to church
with her this week so that she could save money from taking a taxi so that she
could pay fast offerings.
They found Ca. at one of her daughter’s houses this week. Ch.
is moving to Montego Bay next week. They finally have a little bit of water
coming to an outside pipe in their yard since it has been raining the past week
or so, so that is good too!
We got 4 new missionaries in the district this transfer. One
sister is brand new from Utah and was terrified for a few days, I think she is
better now. We also got 2 other sisters, they are white washing an area here in
May Pen. About 3 weeks ago an elder went
home and his companion got transferred to a new area and sisters took that area
over this week. They have been completely lost since they are completely new to
the area. Both of those sisters served
in Cayman, and yesterday at church a member from Cayman showed up to church. I
had to do a double take because I knew that he looked familiar but I didn't
know from where. Then I realized that it
was J. H. He has family here in MayPen.
Man, it was great to catch up with him about Cayman. R., my recent convert, is
getting married to the girl that gave us him as a referral. The girls name in W. She is from Honduras and she moved back to
Honduras before I left Cayman. Apparently R. has gone to Honduras like twice
per month since we left. I know that he
went once before I left too. They just met at a restaurant she was working at
and since she is a returned missionary she invited him to church, he came, got
baptized, his son got baptized, got the Melchizedek priesthood, and now they
are getting married in the Honduras temple in December when he reaches his year
mark of being baptized! Yes! #eternalfamily, that's what it's all about.
Had a good lesson with an investigator named D. this week.
She isn't keeping any commitments really. We asked why she keeps wanting us to
come over and what she wants to gain from our visits and she told us that all
the time when we are there she feels joy and she feels loved and stuff, and she
says that those leave when we leave so she likes having us over there. We read
verses from Galatians 5 with her and let her know that she is feeling the
spirit. We then went over how one of the spirit’s roles is to testify of truth. So, if she feels the spirit when we are
there, and we are teaching her about the restoration, Joseph Smith, the Book of
Mormon, etc., then all of that has to be true.
Otherwise the spirit wouldn't be with us in a lesson. Hopefully she was
able to connect the dots and starts to keep commitments now.
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